About – Tentang

Ini postingan pertama gue. Udah beberapa blog yang gue bikin dari jaman gue kuliah sampe sekarang. Dua blog pertama yang gue bikin, nggak bisa gue urusin lagi karena gue lupa namanya dan gue lupa password-nya. Trus blog gue yang terakhir kemaren, ternyata gue salah ngambil tema. Sebenernya bisa aja gue benahin lagi, cuma gue bingung sih dengan tampilannya si WordPress yang agak beda dan BARU. Jadi gue bikin aja lagi blog yang baru.

Terus, gue bikin blog macem gini tu biar gue punya catetan sendiri akan hidup gue yang sudah akan mendekati usia 30-an. Ya, gue udah nggak muda lagi, meski gue juga belum masuk ke golongan orang tua juga sih (ah relatif sih ini mah ya), mulai ngelindur deh gue.

Gue sebenernya pengen banget bikin channel Youtube macem IISuperwomanII atau Jon Cozart dengan channel PAINT-nya, atau SORTEDfood atau Gemma Stafford. Bentar. Stop ngayal. Sayangnya fokus gue beleberan ke mana-mana (alias nggak fokus sih gue sebenernya).

Gue bukan penyanyi atau penulis lagu atau pemain alat musik macem Jon Cozart atau Doddie Clark (gue cuma pernah belajar mainin seruling, pianika sama rebana #randombanget, tapi semua tinggal kenangan). Gue juga bukan koki macem Ben di SORTEDfood atau Gemma Stafford, pun alat masak yang gue punya cuma wajan teflon, panci rombeng sama wok tipis, tanpa kulkas dan oven, ya begitulah hidup. Etapi alasan utamanya sih karena gue nggak ada alat untuk ngerekam gitu, jadi gue nggak bisa bikin video Youtube atau vlog yang lagi tenar sekarang (2017-entah kapan) itu. (Btw, beberapa tahun yang akan datang, mungkin vlog udah basi kali yak?)

Emm, mungkin kalo kepercayaan diri gue sedang tinggi, gue akan unggah “Slog” ya, alias sound blog, mo nyaingin “Vlog” gitu ceritanya gue. Kalo ngerekam suara kan, hempon gue yang sekarang mah masih mampu. Terus orang juga kan nggak perlu dihantui wajah dan ekspresi gue yang aduhai.

Jadiii, gue nulis aja lah ya? Toh menulis adalah hal yang sepertinya cukup bisa gue lakukan untuk mendokumentasikan apa yang tetiba muncul di otak dan hidup gue. Emm, gue akan nulis hal random, nge-post perjalanan yang gue anggep menarik, eksperimen masak gue, seputaran bahasa Inggris dan Jepang, curhatan, dan lain-lain yang ntar bakal kepikiran di tengah jalan hidup gue.

Semoga isinya bisa bermanfaat deh ya, minimal buat gue di masa depan. Hai gue di masa depan! Semoga lu udah jadi manusia yang jauh lebih baik dari saat lu nulis tulisan inih! #peluk #kechup #salim


Meja deket pintu – MITI – Alam Sutera

This is my first post. I’ve had several blogs that I’ve made since I was in the university until now. Two of my first blogs were crappy, and I’ve forgotten the name AND the password of those. My last blog that I made several months ago, was crappy too, because I got a wrong theme from the beginning, and I was just too lazy to fix it since the new WordPress display is just confusing (actually I am the lazy one here, so..). Anyway, after that, I decided to make a new fresh one here.

And why I make this kind of blog anyway? Well, I just wanted to have a record of my own life which are going to reach 30th years old soon (a couple of years to go). Yup, I am not that young anymore, but I am not that old either you know (anyway, this depends so much on who sees me of course). Oh whatever, I started to blabber, I need to focus.

I honestly wanted to make a Youtube channel like IISuperwomanII or Jon Cozart with his PAINT, or SORTEDfood, or Gemma Stafford’s. Wait. Hold on. Stop dreaming. Too bad I am not a pretty focus human being, since I like many stuffs at once. 

You know, I am not a singer or song writer and I can’t even play any music instruments like what Jon Cozart or Doddie Clark do (the only musical instruments I’ve learned when I was in elementary school are the recorder, the pianica and rebana #awfullyrandom.. and I can’t play any of them anymore now). I also am not a chef like Ben from the SORTEDfood or Gemma Stafford. The kitchen utensils I have now are just a small non-stick frying pan, a tattered saucepan and a thin wok. I don’t even have any fridge, rolling pin or oven (yeah, I know). Emm, but my main reason to why I’m not making Youtube videos or vlogs (which are a thing now [2017-who knows when], but maybe nothing for several years in the future) is simply because I don’t have any device to record videos at all. My phone is unable to record any decent video thanks to its age, its lack of memory and its low quality picture.

But, if my confidence is high, I might upload a “slog”, which is a “sound blog”, you know, the brother of “vlog” which I assume is a “video blog”. Anyway. My phone can record some voices, so maybe I will do a slog someday (once again, if I have the guts to do so). People don’t have to be bothered by my face or my weird expression, so slog is a better thing for me I guess. (what the..? I know, I am so randomly all over the place)

OK. That’s why I decided to continue writing, just like the old days! Since writing is something I ‘can’ do to record whatever pops out on my brain regarding my life. I will write random stuffs, post about any interesting journey I’ve had, share my cooking experiments, tell things regarding English and Japanese, ‘confide’ some weird things probably and everything else that might come before my life.

I hope this blog will bring any kind of advantage, at least to the future me. Hi my future me! I hope you’re far more awesome and better than the you now writing this weird thing! #hug #kiss #highfive


Table near the door – MITI – Alam Sutera